'Tis the Season . . . to declutter!

Contributor: Amy McInnes, Austin Allies Intern

The holidays are slowly but steadily approaching, and that means there will be a significant decrease in all of our bank accounts. This year I want to make changes in my home in order to prepare for the giving season and I know there is one thing to put me in the holiday spirit. Giving, of course. I know a lot of us have random drawers or sections of the house like an attic or closet, that are full of miscellaneous items that will never be used again. The only thing stopping me from decluttering those areas is the motivation to clear out those parts of the house and then finding a new home for those items. 

Fear not, my friends, Austin Allies has a Donations Database that has accumulated a wide variety of nonprofit organizations and the items that they will accept! From crafting items to maternity clothes to pet items and even grocery bags, this database has an organization in the Austin area that will accept whatever you have, within reason (please don’t give them your junk). 

The database is easy to use to find the category of items you want to part with, and to find an organization that will accept your donation. Then just go to their website or give them a call and see how you can drop off your donation in a safe way. I know I’ll be using this database for all of the clothes I have sitting in my closet that I won’t be wearing anytime soon. The best way to prepare for the holidays in my opinion is a clear mind, and I personally can’t have a clear mind while also having a cluttered closet. So take advantage of this database and donate your used or unused items to an organization that will appreciate it, instead of keeping your clutter locked away until next holiday season. 

Austin Allies Donations Database